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National Drive Electric Week in Hawaii - EV Advancement - The Future of EVs in Hawaii

In case you missed our webinar, here’s a recording of the event.

If you are curious about all-electric vehicle alternatives to your gas guzzler car, SUV, or truck, then you won’t want to miss the 10th annual National Drive Electric Week (September 26 - October 4), which promises to answer your questions and excite anyone interested driving electric. As part of the celebration, Hawaii EV Association is hosting webinars to help the EV-curious and EV owners learn about electric cars. This is the second webinar.

This session covers the exciting developments in the electric vehicles, the barriers to progress, and what’s being done to move forward.

Speed Bumps to Adoption - A panel discussion on what’s being done to make progress in our transition to a clean transportation future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from a panel of local leaders who are paving the way to our zero-emissions future. Our panel includes:

  • Lauren Reichelt - Clean Transportation Director, Blue Planet Foundation

  • Aki Marceau - Director of Electrification of Transportation, Hawaiian Electric

  • Beth Tokioka - Communications Manager, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative 

  • Riley Saito - Deputy Director, Hawaii County Research and Development

  • Melissa Miyashiro - Managing Director, Strategy and Policy, Blue Planet Foundation

  • Rep. Nicole Lowen - House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection

  • Sen. Russell Ruderman - Hawai’i State Senator, District 2

September 26

National Drive Electric Week in Hawaii - EV 101 - Buying & Owning EVs

January 30

Hawaii EV Talk Story