EV Give Back for Earth Month

EV Give Back for Earth Month

  • 100 Bay Street Honolulu, HI, 96821 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join Hawaii EV for a volunteer workday in Maunalua Bay!

We will help restore the marine environment by removing invasive algae from the nearshore waters, as part of an effort to continue the work of the Great Huki. From 2009-2011, a team of dedicated volunteers and staff removed 3 million pounds of invasive limu from 27 acres. This effort continues today through volunteer workdays with schools and community groups.

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Drive Electric Earth Month Kauai

Drive Electric Earth Month Kauai

Join Kauai EV for a free Ohana Day celebration of Earth Day hosted by the County of Kaua'i Office of Economic Development and Kaua'i Economic Development Board. The event will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kaua'i Philippine Cultural Center. 

This gathering will celebrate agriculture and sustainability on Kaua'i, with a special emphasis on native and canoe plants, their cultural importance, and their role in promoting sustainability.  Kauai EV, a Hawaii EV club, will be present to share the many benefits of clean transportation, including its contribution to sustainability.

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Drive Electric Earth Month - Big Island

Drive Electric Earth Month - Big Island

Join Big Island EV (a Hawaii EV club) at this year's La Honua Earth Day Celebration at the University of Hawaii in Hilo from 8:30 to noon.

This event will offer students of all ages insights into the various benefits of electric vehicles. A couple of EVs will also be displayed to attract attention and provide demonstration opportunities.

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Big Island EV - Cruise and Picnic

Big Island EV - Cruise and Picnic

Join Big Island EV for our Earth Month celebration with an EV Cruise to Gil Kahele Rec. Area (Mauna Kea Park).

We’ll start with a gathering in Kona, Waimea, Waikoloa Village, and Hilo at 10 AM, followed by a scenic drive on Saddle Road to the Gil Kahele Recreation Area. We will have a potluck and great talk story where we can exchange information about the latest EVs and Hawaii Island charging stations.

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Earth Day Drive in Oahu

Earth Day Drive in Oahu

Join Hawaii EV Association and Tesla Hawaii Club for a fun cruise around the island. It will start at the Pearl Ridge Center as part of Drive Electric Earth Month.

If you’re an EV owner, join to demonstrate the vast array of EVs available today and check out the latest EVs.

Details of the cruise will be shared with registered attendees.

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Talk Story - Hawaii’s NEVI Chargers!

Talk Story - Hawaii’s NEVI Chargers!

Join Hawaii EV’s November Talk Story to learn about the status of the buildout of the latest DC Fast Charger network - Hawaii’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program.

Joining us is Hawaii Department of Transportation Deputy Director and NEVI program leader Robin Shishido. He will share details of the program - the specifications of each hub, the status of the buildout, and insights into the already-deployed charging hub at the Kahului Park and Ride on Maui. He will also be available for questions.

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He Ala Pono EV and Sustainability Fair

He Ala Pono EV and Sustainability Fair

Big Island EV, Hawaiian Electric, Sustainable Energy Hawaii, and Hawaii County will host the third annual He Ala Pono Electric Vehicle and Sustainability Fair, celebrating clean transportation and sustainability on Hawaii Island at this event.

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Hawaii EV Talk Story - Affordable EVs!

Hawaii EV Talk Story - Affordable EVs!

Join Hawaii EV and local EV owners to learn how driving electric will save you money. We’ll discuss the latest affordable EVs, the value that can be found in pre-owned vehicles, and the various rebates that help make your next vehicle electric.

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Drive Electric Oahu

Drive Electric Oahu

Oahu EV (a chapter of the Hawaii EV Association), Drive Electric Hawaii, and Tesla Hawaii Club are joining forces to celebrate National Drive Electric Week! Come to this free community event for electric vehicle test drives, special EV car displays, e-bikes and scooters, prize drawings, booths, and more!

Join our event if you’re already an EV owner or would like to learn about EV ownership.

This year’s event will be held at the Pearlidge Center in Aiea.


This event is part of National Drive Electric Week, an annual celebration presented by Plug In America, the Electric Vehicle Association, the Sierra Club, EVHybridNoire, and Drive Electric USA.

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Test Drive Electric Day

Test Drive Electric Day

oin Maui Nui EV Association for another celebration of National Drive Electric Week.

Join us to meet other EV owners and EV dealers, learn about new EV models, and learn how to decide what's right for you.

We will meet at the charging stations on the MACC side of UH Maui College from 10 AM to 2 PM.

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Hawaii Island Electric Vehicle Show

Hawaii Island Electric Vehicle Show

Join Big Island EV (Hawaii Island Chapter of Hawaii EV) to celebrate electric vehicles. Members will gather to share their vehicles and ownership information with the curious public.

This event will be held in the parking lot fronting the former SEARS store at the Prince Kuhio Plaza, 325 E. Makaala St in Hilo.

If you’re an EV owner and would like to display your car or check out the latest EVs or someone interested in learning more about EVs before getting one, join us.

Register to be counted and to receive important reminders about the event.

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Drive Electric Kauai

Drive Electric Kauai

Kauai EV (a Chapter of the Hawaii EV Association) will host another National Drive Electric Week celebration. This event celebrates the electric car and helps the public learn about the various benefits of the latest transportation technology.

Join our event if you’re already an EV owner or would like to learn about EV ownership.

This year’s event will be held at the Koloa Public and School Library in Koloa.


This event is part of National Drive Electric Week, an annual celebration presented by Plug In America, the Electric Vehicle Association, the Sierra Club, EVHybridNoire, and Drive Electric USA.

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Oahu - Drive Electric Earth Day

Oahu - Drive Electric Earth Day

Curious about electric vehicles (EVs)? Join the Hawaii EV Association and the Tesla Hawaii Club this Drive Electric Hawaii's Earth Day event!

This is a great opportunity to learn about and see the latest EVs and chat with EV owners who can share their firsthand experiences.

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Talk Story - EV 101

Talk Story - EV 101

Join Hawaii EV’s April Talk Story to learn about EVs and EV charging. If you’re new to EVs, considering ownership, and have questions, join this event to learn and get your answers.

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Maui - Drive Electric on Earth Day

Maui - Drive Electric on Earth Day

Curious about electric vehicles? How much do they cost, how much do they save, where do you charge? The EV Festival will have most models of electric cars to view and their owners to answer all your questions.

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Kauai - Drive Electric Earth Day

Kauai - Drive Electric Earth Day

Curious about electric vehicles? How much do they cost, how much do they save, where do you charge? The EV Festival will have most models of electric cars to view and their owners to answer all your questions.

Or do you want to share your love for electric vehicles? Are you looking for another EV? Come to the EV Festival, to meet other EV drivers and spread the word to non-EV drivers

Kauai EV owners are encouraged to join with their EVs. This EVent is free and open to the public. Please register to attend or volunteer or bring your vehicle and participate. Forgot to register? Come anyway…

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Bishop Museum Science & Sustainability Festival

Bishop Museum Science & Sustainability Festival

Visit Hawaii EV at the Bishop Museum Science & Sustainability Event on April 20, 2024. We'll share the latest information about EVs. EV owners will be on hand to address questions.

Visit Hawaii EV at the Bishop Museum Science & Sustainability Event on April 20, 2024.

We'll share the latest information about EVs. EV owners will be on hand to address questions.

There is a reduced admission of $5.00 for kamaʻaina and military.

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Big Island - Coffee and EV Meet-Up at HiCO Hawaiian Coffee in Kailua Kona

Big Island - Coffee and EV Meet-Up at HiCO Hawaiian Coffee in Kailua Kona

Join the Big Island EV Association on Saturday, March 16, from 9-11 AM at HiCO Hawaiian Coffee in Kailua Kona for a Coffee & EV meet-up. EV owners will be on hand to share their EVs, get questions addressed, and collaborate on all things EV (and EV charging).

The public is invited, so there will be the opportunity to help anyone interested in EVs to make the transition.

WHEN: February 17 (Saturday), 9-11 AM HST
WHERE: HiCO - 74-5599 Pawai Place, #B3, Kailua-Kona (https://hicohawaiiancoffee.com)

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Big Island - Coffee and EV Meet-Up at Tin Shack Bakery, Pahoa

Big Island - Coffee and EV Meet-Up at Tin Shack Bakery, Pahoa

Join BIEVA on Saturday, February 17, from 9-11 AM at Tin Shack Bakery in Pahoa for a Coffee & EV meet-up. EV owners will be on hand to share their EVs, get questions addressed, and collaborate on all things EV (and EV charging).

The public is invited, so there will be the opportunity to help anyone interested in EVs to make the transition.  

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Hawaii EV NOV Talk Story - New EVs

Hawaii EV NOV Talk Story - New EVs

Did you miss this? View the recording here:

Join Hawaii EV for an exclusive talk where we'll review the latest and greatest Electric Vehicles hitting the market.

Get ready to plug into the future of transportation and discover the innovative, eco-friendly, and exciting EV models set to revolutionize how we drive on Hawaii's beautiful islands!

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Hawaii EV October Talk Story - Be Green, Save Green!

Hawaii EV October Talk Story - Be Green, Save Green!

Did you miss this? Check out the recording here.

Halloween's around the corner and there's lots of spooky costumes and haunted houses but with scarier is that our own home, Mother Earth is at risk! Join Hawaii EV for our October Talk Story to learn about the benefits of energy efficiency to our planet. And our pocketbook.

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Driving Electric in Hawaii - Webinar

Driving Electric in Hawaii - Webinar

Did you miss this? Check out the recording here.

Join us for an informative webinar on EV ownership in Hawaii. This 90-minute virtual meeting will cover several topics that interest the EV-curious and EV owners alike. This free webinar is open to the public.
Program highlights:
Pocketbook, clean air, and emissions benefits of EV ownership
Hawaii’s progress in the transition to clean transportation
The latest EVs
Panel Discussion - Public Charging in Hawaii

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Drive Electric Week Oahu

Drive Electric Week Oahu

Blue Planet Foundation, Hawaii EV Association, and Tesla Hawaii Club are joining forces to celebrate National Drive Electric Week!

Come to this community event to experience all the ways to electrify your ride! Enjoy electric vehicle test drives, special EV car displays, e-bikes and scooters, prize drawings, booths, and more!

For EV owners, there will be an all-EV drive at 9 AM from Central Oahu Regional Park in Waipio to the main event at Ka Makana Alii in Kapolei. Meet and chat with other EV owners, as well as showcase your vehicle and share your EV experiences with the public!

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Drive Electric Week Maui

Drive Electric Week Maui

Join Maui Nui EV's celebration of National Drive Electric Week!

Come see and test drive the latest electric vehicle models and 'talk story' with local EV owners. Learn about purchasing, driving, and charging EVs from local owners.

This will be held at the University of Hawaii Maui College, University of Hawaii Maui College, 310 W. Ka’ahumanu Ave., Kahului.

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Drive Electric Earth Day - Oahu

Drive Electric Earth Day - Oahu

Hawaii EV and Tesla Hawaii Club are hosting a public meet-up on Oahu on Earth Day 2023. This event will provide the general public with the opportunity to learn about the latest EVs, EV ownership, charging, and the environmental and pocketbook benefits of electric cars.

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