Maui Nui EV Blog
The Hawaii EV Association is now a registered 501(c) organization, which means that you can deduct a donation to the Maui Nui EV Association from your taxes as a charitable donation. Go to the donation site and select to “Use this donation for Maui Nui EV”.
Pictures from Drive Electric / Earth Day April 22, 2024

Drive Electric at Earth Day 2024 at UHMC
First NEVI (high-powered DC charging stations) location in Hawai‘i!
Kahului Park & Ride, February 28, 2024

Maui Nui EV was at UHMC for Earth Day on April 26, 2023
Test Drive Electric at Earth Day April 26
The Maui Nui EV Association will be joining more than 35 local nonprofits and government agencies to celebrate Earth Day at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College campus on Wednesday, April 26 from 3 to 6 p.m.
EV owners and dealers will offer information and advice on acquiring and using an EV on Maui.
There will be opportunities to test drive the new models. The EV part of the Earth Day celebrations will be at the charging stations on the MACC side of the campus. The Earth Day event is free and open to all.
What is Happening with EV Charging on Maui?
September 22, 2022
So many of the old level 2 EV chargers at public locations on Maui are broken or gone
Pac & Save Wailuku
Whole Foods Kahului
Bank of Hawaii Kahului
Ha‘ikū Community Center
Kula Malu marketplace
Maui Memorial Medical Center
Maui Tropical Plantation Waikapū
Hope Chapel Kihei
Maui Marketplace Kahului
Maui Lani Safeway Wailuku
Foodland Kehalani Wailuku
Maui Ocean Center Ma‘alaea
Only some of the old ones still work, and some only partially or part of the time
Maui Brewing Company Kihei
Hana Maui Resort
Elleair Maui Golf Club Kihei
Akakū Kahului
Kaiser Wailuku
Costco Kahului
Jim Falk Motors Kahului
BMW Kahului
Target Kahului
Lowes Kahului
Walmart Kahului
University of Hawaii Maui College Kahului
A few hotel chargers, but only for guests
Do you know of any other functioning chargers? Please send email to info@mauiev.org.
Who is installing new level 2 EV chargers at public locations?
For the moment, only the County, it appears. So far there are new functioning level 2 chargers at:
Kalana o Maui County building Wailuku
Kahului DMV
Kihei Gym
According to Mayor Victorino in the Maui News June 11, 2022:
“More EV charger sites, in the process of installation, include Lahaina Civic Center, Kihei Aquatic Center, Paia Community Center, Haiku Community Center, Hannibal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani, Eddie Tam Memorial Gym in Makawao, Papohaku Park in Wailuku and Hana Community Center. On Molokai, two chargers are being installed at Kualapuu Community Center and Cooke Memorial Pool. One is coming soon to the Lanai Community Center.”
Which level 2 EV chargers are free?
From what we know, the following level 2 chargers are still free:
Home Depot Kahului
Lowe’s Kahului
Target Kahului (the first two hours)
Walmart Kahului (the first two hours)
The new County level 2 chargers listed above are also free for now.
How about level 3 EV chargers (DC Fast Chargers, called Superchargers by Tesla)?
Hawaiian Electric provides level 3 chargers at the following locations:
Hawaiian Electric office Kahului
Lahaina Aquatic Center
Pukalani Terrace Shopping Center
Queen Kaahumanu Shopping Center Kahului
Piilani Village Shopping Center Kihei
The County is waiting for Public Utility Commission (PUC) approval to install level 3 chargers, but it is unlikely to do many because of the cost. There is already infrastructure at the Kalana o Maui County building, so that will probably be the first one.
The Department of Transportation is said to be planning level 3 chargers at Dairy Road and Puunene in Kahului, but we haven’t seen official confirmation yet.
Do you know of any other functioning level 3 chargers? Please send email to info@mauiev.org.
Charging at University of Hawaii Maui College
Download the
your phone and create
When you are at the charging stations, click on the list icon at the top right.
Tap on the item for the
you are closest
After a few seconds,
there willl
be a
click and
you can remove
charger handle and
Meetup and Test Drive Electric with Maui Nui EV Association on Earth Day, March 22
Join us on Friday, April 22, 3-6pm
EV drivers meeting up, new EV models on display, charging station information
News Release April 15, 2022
Contact: Charlene Ka‘uhane, President
Ka‘uhane, Inc.
(808) 385-3530
Come and ‘Test Drive Electric’
with Maui Nui EV Association for Earth Day
Wailuku, Maui, HI (April 15, 2022) – Has the high price for gas made you think about an electric vehicle? Have you ever wondered what it’s like behind the wheel of an electric car, now’s your chance to find out! The Maui Nui EV Association presents “Test Drive Electric” on Earth Day, Friday, April 22, from 3 to 6 p.m. at University of Hawai‘i Maui Campus. The free event, which is part of the new EV Maui awareness campaign, features opportunities to test drive some of the latest models of electric vehicles and get your questions answered by experts.
“Test Drive Electric” is part of a larger Earth Day event held by the Student ‘Ohana for Sustainability (SOS) Club on the main lawn of UH Maui. Look for the rows of shiny EVs at the charging stations in front of the Ka‘a ʻIke Building (across from the Maui Arts & Cultural Center) off Wahinepio Avenue.
EV dealers offering test drives include KarMart with Volkswagen, Aloha Kia with Kia, BMW Maui with BMW, and Bio-Beetle with Nissan Leaf. Members of Maui Nui EV will bring an array of their own personal vehicles, from Hyundais to Teslas, for public viewing (not driving). In addition, Hawaiian Electric will be on hand to give information and answer questions about EVs; and Hawai‘i Federal Credit Union will provide details about financing options for electric vehicles.
Come with questions, leave with answers—and plants and cookies! All attendees receive a free ticket for the giveaways taking place every half hour throughout the event. Ka‘uhane Lands will give away an organic two-gallon palapalai (valued at $40) or noni tree in a five-gallon pot (valued at $50) at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.; and Maui Cookie Lab will give away one dozen cookies (valued at $42) at 4, 5 and 6 p.m.
“Earth Day is the perfect time to reconnect with our environment,” says Drew Mota, owner of Ka‘uhane Lands, a Wailuku-based landscape design company and plant nursery. “What better way to honor the ‘āina than by planting a native fern or medicinal tree?”
Other vendors include Sustainable Island Products and West Maui Greencycle, in keeping with the theme of sustainability for Maui County through Earth Day and beyond.
A growing network supports electric vehicle drivers on Maui. This network includes Maui Nui EV, which is an official organization of EV owners and experts for all things EV; and Hawaiian Electric, which is working to increase its presence in the EV space and be a resource for EV Maui and the general public.
“We’re here to encourage residents to learn about the benefits of driving electric vehicles, both economic and environmental,” says Rob Weltman, leader of Maui Nui EV. “It’s exciting to see the trend of rising EV ownership on Maui. Come on down and drive one of the newest models and get a feel for the fun and efficiency of these amazing vehicles!”
A representative from Hawaiian Electric will be at the event to share information and answer questions about programs the company is pursuing to expand electric vehicle charging opportunities across its service territories, including Maui. Among the company’s initiatives in various stages of development are a planned expansion of EV public charging stations, make-ready programs to reduce upfront charging infrastructure costs for bus operators and commercial customers, and innovative rate design that lowers bills while providing grid support.
Electric vehicles cause no fossil fuel emissions and they are quiet in operation. Their batteries are charged from your rooftop solar panels or the grid. EVs can save their owners money on fuel and maintenance, and even earn federal tax credits. On top of all that, they are snappy and fun to drive!
Supported by the County of Maui and the Office of Economic Development, EV Maui is a campaign to raise awareness and educate the general public about electric vehicles. To learn more about EV Maui and the benefits of making the switch to an electric vehicle, visit evmaui.com.
# # #
Charging Stations at Large Maui Parking Lots
State law (HRS 29171) requires the installation of one electric vehicle charging system in any parking lot of one hundred or more stalls in places of public accommodation by July 1, 2012. It was amended in the 2021 legislative session by HB1142 CD1… (more)
It’s the Law
State law (HRS 29171) requires the installation of one electric vehicle charging system in any parking lot of one hundred or more stalls in places of public accommodation by July 1, 2012. It was amended in the 2021 legislative session by HB1142 CD1 to require such charging stations be at least level 2, that they are to be in working order and that the Counties may implement ordinances to enforce the charging station requirement.
A survey of large public parking facilities in South Maui without charging stations estimates the following number of parking stalls:
Shops at Wailea: 700+
Wailea Golf Club: 260+
Kihei Gateway: 250+
Kihei Town Center: 150+
Kihei Island Surf: 140+
Kihei Kalama Village: 150+
Azeka Center: 150+
We submitted a Request for Service on July 21 to the County to enforce the installation of charging stations at those locations. We also shared the list with the company Aloha Charge so they can look up the owners of those properties and work with them to get chargers installed.
Is one charging station really enough at large parking areas like the ones above? No, but it is a start. Hawai‘i County is working on a local ordinance that would require more than one, perhaps a number proportional to the number of parking spots. That may be something for us to build on.
You Can Help
It is in the interest of the owners of large public parking areas to acquire and maintain charging stations because they attract customers who are likely to spend more time than the average customer.
Do you know of other 100+ public parking areas with no functional EV charging? Send mail to info@mauiev.org.