Hawaii's Road Usage Fee and EVs
The passage of SB1534 into law (Act 222) establishes the road usage fee in Hawaii for the first time.
EV owners can continue to pay $50 annually (something we've been doing for the past couple of years) until 2028. Those who drive minimally can opt for the per-mile fee option and potentially pay less.
Here are the specifics:
Starting July 1, 2025, EV owners can pay a fixed $50 annual registration surcharge OR a $.008 per-mile road usage fee. Mileage figures will be determined via odometer readings obtained during the vehicle inspections conducted during the registration renewable process.
Starting July 1, 2028, the fixed $50 annual registration surcharge option will be removed, and all EV owners will be subject to the $.008 per-mile road usage fee.
In 2033, the per-mile road usage fee will apply to all passenger cars and light-duty trucks.
What happens to the $50 annual EV registration surcharge that EV owners pay today?
This will be replaced by the new program on July 1, 2025.
Why is this necessary?
The gas tax funds roadway maintenance. With the increasing fuel efficiency of vehicles and the adoption of electric cars, the State needs to transition to this program to enable sustained maintenance of our critical road infrastructure.
Should I consider the per-mile road use option?
If your annual driving mileage is very low (say 5000 miles), it may make sense to use this option. (5000 miles x $.0008 = $40)
Heavy-duty vehicles like buses and tractor-trailers cause most road wear and tear. How are they paying for their impact?
There is a separate weight tax that is levied on vehicles. The heavier the vehicle, the higher the fee. Here are the relevant schedules from the County of Hawaii DMV:
State Weight Tax
Vehicles up to 4,000 pounds are 1.75 cents per pound.
Vehicles 4,001 pounds to 7,000 pounds are 2 cents per pound.
Vehicles 7,001 pounds up to 10,000 pounds are 2.25 cents per pound.
Vehicles over 10,001 pounds are a flat rate of $300.
County of Hawaii Weight Tax
All passenger vehicles are 1.25 cents per pound for all weights (minimum $12.00).
Passenger trucks up to and including 6,500 pounds are 1.25 cents per pound (minimum $12.00).
Freight vehicles and all trucks over 6,500 pounds are 2.5 cents per pound.