“Urban mining” - a key to sustaining our clean energy transition

The problem - our uber-complex, high carbon metals processing supply chain.

We recently came across details of a company that has found a way to reduce the environmental footprint of minerals processing, including the various metals that are critical for industry - nickel, cobalt, and more. As we transition globally to a clean energy future, there will be a heavy demand for solutions that require minerals.

Nth Cycle is a new startup with an innovative approach to harvesting metals from existing products - batteries, catalytic converters, and many others. They’ve found a way to drastically reduce the carbon footprint of metals processing with a technology and a business model that allows for rapid and scalable deployment.

Want to learn more about Nth Cycle, its amazing co-founder and CEO, Megan O’Connor, and the potential this company has to help with the global transition to clean energy?

Check out her interview with Cody Simms on the MCJ Startup Series.

Thanks to innovators like Megan, we will kick gas.


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Look ma, no cord